Saturday, July 22, 2006

just plain gross!

I hate weekends when I'm going home. The stupid highway is completely plugged up through the there are cars stopped dead, and have nothing else to do but look at people like me who are innocently trying to bike home.


So there's this car full of these guys...they must have been...19, 20...somewhere around there. They see me and start yelling "hey! Hey! HEY! LOOK AT US!" and honking their horn.

So I turn away. What girl would want to give them the satisfaction of looking at them! Ew. They keep hollering and finally i just glance at them and they say, "yeeeeahhhh she looooked at us! wooooo!" But I don't know how they knew because the road I bike home on goes beside the highway, but not like you step from the highway right onto my road i go home on. There's a little bit of a distance between them. Anyways, then the highway got started again and they were gone, thankfully.

Then a Jamaican drove past on a tractor and blew me a kiss. I waved at him. Then Suze drove past me and i put my bike in the back of her car and she took me home. The end. My rides home are pretty thrilling, except for the...biking...part.

I think I'll add some pictures onto this. Just randomness ones.



Anonymous said...

thanks for telling me that there are pictures

not that i noticed or anything

Andy said...

oh buuuuuuuuuuuuurn.

hang on. i'm waiting for a phone call about a job.

Andy said...

give it time, it'll eat at you.

Elena said...

oh brent...that just so happens that i added the pictures after i wrote the post so it made sense then. Don't be sarcastic with me because i bring good tidings of great joy

we are getting picked up at our houses next year! we're the first ones on, but i'm getting on a 7:18 and you're a minute later, probably. it's a miracle!

Anonymous said...


hang on.

what the!?

Andy said...

sweet jesse james! does this mean i can laugh at someone else having to wake up when i do?

i'm going to enjoy this more than... whatever.

that being said, i may be getting off work at quarter to one... so karma says shut up.

Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

why exactly are you already checking changes to bus schedules...? summer isn't over just yet... although according to stores, it is... what with all the ...Back to School sales!" signs ...

Elena said...

oh no! don't worry, jo! I was told this by a guy at my church who takes care of the bus schedules around my area. I couldn't help it...he walked up to me and told me...i'm sorry! haha...yeah i'm not looking forward to school...i change the channel every time the stupid zellers commercial comes on. it's the first of august, honestly!

Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

heh yea, honestly!