Wednesday, October 25, 2006

It's curious how times like these bring us closer together.

Love you, Jo!


Nicole said...

for sure, its also kinda sad (how it takes this [tradgedy/pain] to bring people closer)
yeah, we had some good talks recently eh. its good to know other people go through the same stuff!
much love,

Nicole said...

guess who got a blog lanar?

Anonymous said...

i've been thinking the same thing. how funerals or such things bring people together.

i could say it's convienent. but not really. but kinda

j said...

aw man. it's 4:36am. and i'm still thinking about it. and. i don't know it's just so crazy how everything happened.. this whole entire week is just crazy... *sigh*


Jon Berg said...

the whole thing about funerals and tradgedies or pain bringing people together is very true.

last year when my grandma passed away the whole family pretty much stayed in her house for a week or so while the funeral stuff was going on, and it was really nice to experience because my family on that side is very spread out and we don't see much of eachother.
I'm not totally sure what i would call it but it was a bit of a blessing in disguise.