Every so often I think about something really hard and then it seems like I was thinking out loud, and I wonder if anyone heard me. It's a weird feeling, like everyone knows what I was thinking...but then I realize I'm just insane. I don't talk to myself though. Cause then I'd have problems.
Yeah there's my sad excuse for a post everyone! Hope you like it!!!

I added a picture, just for kicks. It looks really warped, which is why I like it.
'i think really hard.' ha thats great. ya i get that too, i just never thought of it as thinking hardly. heh
i love the picture, the glass is awesome!
i talk out loud...
to myself.
ya, i get that too sometimes. weird feeling, almost embarrasing. and what's wrong with talking to yourself? i do it... sometimes.
p.s.: flowers. what's with girls and pictures of flowers?
john, it's because they are pretty.
what are phil...the flowers or the girls? :p
Sorry...just couldn't pass up that opportunity!
so what you're saying is that anyone who talks out loud has problems
yes i think that's what you said
(watch what you say)
have you ever asked people if they know what you were thinking? maybe they did/do. psychic.
haha i'm sure phil probably meant to say that.
heh yea brent that is what shes saying i guess. kathleen , according to elena your insane. :P
i was going to say something similar to what brent said. but i talk to myself, so i let someone else say it.
and girls. and flowers too, i guess.
i talk to myself lol.. sometimes.. not in an insane way, just if i need to remember something, lol .. and sometimes when i'm bored
ehm, both are pretty. (<--- good answer.)
you win! Good answer. :p
mm i probably am insane!!
but umm yeah... i talk to myself when i get work done... to clarify. like... when i'm trying to process my thoughts... like in video block class i've done it.
"you ruined my experiment!"
"what experiment?"
"i was going to see if i left whether or not she would talk to herself."
oh mannn.
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