Saturday, November 04, 2006

totally retro

so since everyone's been posting pictures...I'm following the trend. I came upon some good old grade nine band trip pictures, and just had to share them with all of you. I can't believe how young we all look!!!

So here's me and Tara in front of a floral clock at Niagara Falls...and we only knew eachother from badminton!

We're so dutch...we get a picture taken "inside a photo booth" a sense. ha and Lenore's reflection

aww Kathleen and Abram! I don't think I even knew you guys when I took that picture, but I knew your names. Crazy how things change in a year!

I heart this picture...I hate it when siblings leave TD, but it was awesome having Suze around for my first year...I don't know what I would have done if she wasn't there!

HA john...that was an awesome mini-golfing game, guys...but the go-karting was awesome(r)

...aaand last but not least, Brent. I was probably as tall as you here, and at one point i was taller, but yeah. not anymore, that's for sure!

I'm feeling nostalgic today. If anyone else has pictures from this trip I'd love to see them...or any pictures from grade nine, actually!


Anonymous said...

hahahhaHA! that was so fun. i remember all of it. the clock was cool;) looking back seeing how we all hardly knew a hting about eachother and yet it was sooooooo fun!.

Anonymous said...

o..hehe..funny to see brent here. o buddy, you so should be in band now.;)

John said...

wow, those are old. even though it's not even been two years. the go karting was awesome, even though i didn't always win.

Andy said...

steve is the best in the bottom one.

Nicole said...

those pictures are awesome! I have a few, but i can show you later. I agree on the not knowing people part. its so wierd looking back and seeing how different it was. and yes, golfing was awesome, and so was go carting. but most people didn't even bother the batting cage, which was tons of fun

kathleen said...

oh man that is one BEAUTIFUL picture of me. pfft whatever. It’s just odd. fortunately blurry. and that band trip is one of my favourite memories ever getting to know tara... i remember hanging out with jo, tara, Nicole, abram, brent and john that trip the most... and i didn’t really know any of those people well before. we all look so different wowsya

tara made me this box thing for my birthday and it also has some pictures of us from the band trip on there

somewhere in my house there is an undeveloped roll of film with my band pictures on it. i think i lost it though. too bad. those would’ve been fun to see.

it all was fun at the minego’s place, i think that’s what it was called: batting cages, go-carting and mini-golfing. though i never remember actually batting... i remember cheering... -k.s.

(so this is what you were talking about lanar, i understand now)

Jon Berg said...

wow haha. can't believe thats just two years ago, some people have really changed.

Johanna just caught a tear from the sky said...

ha! i'm actually in one of those.. .that made my day:) that trip is all fuzzy... i dont' remember much about it lol

Abram said...

Man I remeber that trip perfectly one of the top ten moments in my life so far.

Abram said...

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kathleen said...

haha i'm glad i'm not the only one who thinks it's in their top ten moments! yesss.


j said...

wowwww.. everyone looks different.. funny how much people change in 2 years.

j said...

wowwww.. everyone looks different.. funny how much people change in 2 years. i was actually listening to this song and it was made in 2001, but it feels like it was made like.. last year. SOO weird...